“In 2009 Mark and I met personally for the first time in Kiev – Ukraine. We both attended the so-called ENFSI Joint Meeting. He was there as the incoming chairman of the ENFSI Working Group Firearms / Gunshot Residues and I was there as the ENFSI Secretary. At the round table he soon drew everybody’s attention by articulating his ideas how a Working Group should function in the ENFSI community. It was clearly formulated (with humour), refreshing and his English was very understandable for non-native speakers. It was also somewhat provocative and gave reason for lively and interesting discussions. I believe that Mark’s behavior here was characteristic for him: dynamic and original. In the years after he appeared to be an excellent and inspiring chairman of the Working Group. Most contacts between us were by email and I have always regretted that our personal meetings were rare. At various ENFSI Meetings it was always nice to see him again. For me it has been a pleasure to work with him. I hope that in future our roads will cross again, not only professionally but also personally.”
"Over a number of years Mark Mastaglio has provided detailed reports and oral testimony in many high profile and difficult firearms cases with which I have been involved. Most, if not all of these cases resulted from complex murder investigations, often where several firearms were discharged. His knowledge of his area of expertise is vast. I have always found Mark to be diligent and thoroughly professional, consistently demonstrating his expertise. The quality of his evidence, both written and oral, is always exemplary. What stands Mark out as the firearms expert of choice is not only the quality of the evidence he provides but how he delivers it in court. He is an assured performer in the box, having the ability to explain highly technical ballistics issues in terms the layman and woman can understand. He is for many, myself included, the premier firearms forensic scientist and I have no hesitation in recommending him."
“I worked with Mark when I was leading an investigation into allegations of police extra-judicial killings in Jamaica in which four people were shot dead. It was an extremely sensitive case and Mark was instructed as the Ballistics expert. It was a huge case involving the reconstruction of the events that took place at the scene. Mark’s meticulous work at the scene and his clear interpretation of the type and direction of shots were crucial to the case. He then spent many weeks looking at tiny bullet fragments linking them together in an attempt to determine what weapons had discharged them. He showed sensitivity, independence of mind and a thorough grasp of his subject. He presented his evidence before the Lord Chief Justice of Jamaica in a clear, concise and easily understandable way. He was accepted by the Court as an expert in his field, a conclusion with which I can endorse. If you need an independent forensic firearms expert then Mark is your man. I now run a crime and security consultancy and I sometimes I receive requests to conduct independent reviews of crime investigations. I would have no hesitation in engaging Mark in a private capacity to conduct ballistic work on behalf of my company”