Mark delivers first training course as Senior Forensic Ballistics Technical Adviser for the UN
The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) has been providing Latin American and Caribbean Member States with technical assistance to improve capabilities for small arms control, including law enforcement training to combat illicit trafficking, legal reforms, stockpile management and the destruction of obsolete and confiscated weapons and ammunition.
As part of this assistance, UNLIREC identified the pressing need for increased training, standards, equipment and human resource capacity in the field of forensic ballistics in order to reduce impunity in cases of illicit trafficking and criminal armed violence. Mark was very pleased to have recently been appointed a Senior Forensic Ballistics Technical Advisers (FBTAs) by UNLIREC to provide planned and ad hoc assistance to Member States.
The first mission has seen Mark deployed to St Kitts where he delivered a training course to enhance the forensic capabilities of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police. The training exercise focusing on operational forensic ballistics in St. Kitts and there are plans for a return trip next year to assist the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures and Competency Testing.