Privy Council overturn murder conviction
Devon Hewey was jailed for life for the murder of Randy Robinson almost a decade ago, but has now had his conviction quashed after the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Bermuda’s final appeal court, ruled that a judge gave improper directions about gunshot residue evidence (GSR). Angela played a…
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FFC contribute to exposing a gross miscarriage of justice
Angela’s departure from FFC
On the 27th August 2021 Angela will resign from FFC Ltd., as she will be taking up a new role with the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. Mark will continue at the helm of the forensic firearms division but FFC will no longer be in a position to carry out GSR…
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Angela & Mark invited to present to Thomas More Chambers
Mathew Sherratt QC, Thomas More Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, invited both Mark and Angela to participate in their expert webinar series on topics of current interest to an audience over Zoom comprised of solicitors and barristers. Angela presented on Tuesday 30th June and introduced GSR as an evidence type…
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FSR Codes of Practice and Conduct – Issue 5, April 2020
There are a number of important updates to the FSR Codes of Practice and Conduct for forensic science providers in the Criminal Justice System. The document can be accessed here:
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Mark & Angela Attend 26th Annual ENFSI Firearms/GSR Working Group Meeting
The 26th Annual Meeting of the ENFSI Firearms/GSR Working Group was held last week, 8-11th October 2019, in Krakow. The meeting was hosted by the Institute of Forensic Research which is the Institute of the current Chair of the Working Group Zuzanna Brozek-Mucha. The meeting was attended by over 160…
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Mark Delivers Comparison Microscopy Training
Mark has just completed two weeks in Trinidad delivering Basic Comparison Microscopy Training to IBIS technicians at the Trinidad & Tobago Forensic Science Centre (TTFSC). The mission organised by UNLIREC aimed to increase capacity at the TTFSC and assist them in tackling casework backlogs. The technicians were extremely enthusiastic and…
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Mark & Angela Guest Lecturers at King’s College, London
Mark and Angela were delighted to be invited as guest Lecturers by King’s College, London, for a group of forensic experts from the Ministry of Justice in Kazakhstan. The lectures covered the role of the expert witness in the UK, standards and competencies and methods and interpretation in GSR and…
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Angela & Mark featured in the Criminal Bar Quarterly
Angela and Mark were very pleased to be asked to write an article for the Spring edition of the Criminal Bar Quarterly (CBQ) which focuses on expert evidence. The CBQ is published by the Criminal Bar Association of England and Wales and aims to keep its members up to date…
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Angela has a Paper Published in Forensic Science International
Angela has had an article published in Forensic Science International detailing the review of the GSR evidence relating to a 2002 murder involving the discharge of a pistol where the Prosecution used the GSR findings together with voice identification evidence and obtained a conviction in the case of R v…
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